Let's Discuss


Our Process

Event security involves protecting gatherings from potential threats, particularly ensuring the safety of participants, staff, and assets at events. This process requires a licensed and insured team to conduct thorough risk assessments and implement strategic measures to mitigate potential risks.

Event security strategies may involve the following:

  • Identifying key assets and participants requiring protection
  • Assessing potential threats specific to the type of event and location
  • Evaluating vulnerabilities in event layout and infrastructure
  • Implementing security measures, including personnel, training, and technology
  • Developing comprehensive emergency response plans
  • Regularly reviewing and adapting security protocols to dynamic event conditions
  • Maintaining thorough documentation and communication channels during the event

Our extensive experience in event security, combined with our advanced surveillance capabilities as well as partnerships with law enforcement and other community agencies, uniquely positions JFORCE to manage and neutralize risks, ensuring that events are safe and successful.

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We provide security services to residential, commercial, and institutional clients, as well as public organizations.

Working closely with regulatory, compliance, and law enforcement personnel, our skilled team has extensive experience delivering comprehensive safety and security strategies to exceed your expectations.

When considering security solutions, CONTACT US